Thursday, August 25, 2011

normal musings

My friend grows mint. She grows chocolate mint, Moroccan mint, and spearmint. I imagine going into her backyard of overgrown mint bushes and just breathing in the unbelievable flavors, I mean, who really knew you could grow chocolate mint right out of the garden.

I finished packing. I leave in 7 days. Usually I'm not this on top of it, but going to Europe for 18 days is a huge step and I really want to make sure I have the right outfits. I want to look cool, but I have to wear each shirt 2 times so I have to make sure its not a shirt that shows off pit stains. Yup, that's what kept me busy this morning.

Today is my day off and tomorrow I go back to work. Everyone will be saying thank goodness it's Friday and I'll feel kinda bad I already got a break to get me through the week, but it's short lived as I remind myself we all made a choice to work part-time or full time and eventually I'm make myself useful enough to deserve my part-time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I think about being creative and "Scrubs" always wins over. But I'm not that sad about it because I'd rather see what JD and Turk are up to instead of figuring out my own life.

We went to Rhode Island with Caleb's family and then we went to Coalville, Ut with my family. I like both places a lot. If we could combine them they might be perfect.

See what I mean?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Saturday Night

I know I'm still a little bit of the person I used to be. Just can't let it slip away. Yeah I sit around a lot more than I used to but now I have a house to take care of and a husband and dogs. We can still jump in lakes late at night and enjoy the thrill even if we come home to more routine and a dirty house.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I did it! I ran a half marathon. It was last Saturday and my legs are still recovering! It felt good, well up until the last few miles. My awesome hubs, our pups and a couple friends came to support me and run the last little bit with me. It was much needed. Even though I was in a crowd of 1500 people running down a mountain it was actually quite peaceful with my ipod in. I was enjoying the scenery and people watching to keep my mind occupied. After it was all finished I assumed I'd have this huge feeling of pride and accomplishment, but it didn't feel like such a big feat once I had done it. I feel like anyone could run that race if they decided to train for a couple months. I'm still really glad I did it and I wouldn't mind doing another one next year. My mom was talking about maybe doing it so I'd love to do it with her and my dad! Anyway, I'm glad its finished and that I enjoyed it.

We played at the downtown church that night and then has Este pizza. I love Este and good friends. Good new friends and good old ones. I'm glad for the diversity of people I get to hang out with. God is up to something in my life and I'm trying to look at life in a new light and start enjoying the small pleasures, like a genuine conversation, or the fact I can walk 10 min from my house and feel like I'm on a farm and stare out past a huge field to see a glorious sunset.

This week I have dates to hang out with two of my closest friends that I rarely get to see. It's worth the 45 min drive to be able to pour your heart out and find out what's been going on in life the past year really. I've never been good at long distance relationships. Even short distance relationships.