Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Waiting for a baby to come, not mine.

Needing to CLEAN

Wanting to READ

Started watching Downton Abbey.

Feeling my little guy kicking all the time now. Not sure when he even sleeps.

Wanting to go straight back to bed.

Feeling ill prepared for everything baby related.

Words with Friends is still my favorite game.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Invisible Children


Please take a half hour and watch this video. Then share it! I have been involved with Invisible Children in small ways over the last 5 years and this is an amazing opportunity to see real change come about for people that have no way of protecting themselves. Children are dying mercilessly and being used in disgusting ways and it HAS TO STOP. Please be a part of this life changing difference. Yes, it's 1000s of miles away from me as I sit here in my comfortable home, but let's not just let this leave us unaffected. Let's tell the world.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

21 weeks

We've made it over half way. It's pretty unreal. I've been sick pretty much every morning and most nights, but I got some nausea meds that are helping quite a bit. Today has actually been the first day I haven't had to take them and I'm feeling decent so far! My belly has really popped out in the last couple weeks. Its so amazing to watch it grow knowing there is a baby BOY in there. Yup, we found out in our ultrasound last week that we're having a boy. I'm excited to have a little man around!

In other news I'm super anxious for warm weather and SUN. So to speed that up a little, Rach and I are headed to California next week on a girl's trip. I'm so excited to see the ocean and spend time with my best bud. Should be wonderful. Hopefully I'll snap a few photos along the way. Happy Sunday Afternoon.