Thursday, January 27, 2011

New People

I've been listening to Parlor Hawk, you can find them here: They are a local band from Utah County, and they are goooood.
Listening to them makes me wrestle with some lost lover of mine. Probably my want for radical change and things like jumping off cliffs or camping on beaches.
I've had some really wonderful conversations lately, ones that have really lifted me up and reminded where the joy is.
I like having a change of heart, I hope I have a lot more. I want to learn to be nice, see it's not something that comes naturally, its actually quite the opposite of that.
I used to talk to people I didn't know so easily and it was something I rather looked forward to, and I just remembered that last night. Despite the awkward silence and the lack of common jokes, it's quite the rush to put yourself out there and learn a new language that was foreign to you before. Everyone walks around in their own clothes and languages, and you've never been there, but by starting a conversation you might learn a small piece of their walk just for a moment and its an exciting experience.
I hope I won't miss many more new experiences. I hope I won't hide in my cave.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Wednesday

Half way through the week! So I went to DI and found boots, so that feels good to check off my list. I also found a super thick sleeping bag! Perfect for winter camping, which will be happening in a couple weeks. Plus the inside print has dogs on it. It was meant for me.
Enjoyed some afternoon tea at work yesterday in one of my favorite mugs.
I love the view from behind our house. We have a big field right behind us and Lucy loves being able to run free and let off energy out there.

After a long day of playing for Lucy, she's ready for bed.
Have a good day!

Monday, January 24, 2011


1. Live on a farm

2. Get another puppy

3. Grow plants inside and outside my house and tend them

4. Paint my spare room...again

5. Find snow boots for cheap

6. Go winter camping

7. Find inspiration for my shop

8. Enjoy more tea

9. Organize storage items

10. Make more new recipes

11. Write down more prayers, and answered prayers

First, I better focus on starting my new job! I start 2 weeks from today! It's going to be A LOT of learning, which I am exciting to dig into. I'll be full time there for the next 2 months and then go to part time. I can't wait for this new adventure. It'll be great to fill my time a little bit differently, hopefully spending more time creating.

Have a lovely Monday

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a whirl wind week.

You know when everything just keeps building up and up and up and.... up and then finally comes to a conclusion? Well, that's how I feel.
Besides learning to become a dog trainer, or at least reading lots of books by Cesar Millan,
I got a new job!
I have been praying for an opportunity for a new position for quite awhile, well, months. And I have been inpatient and sometimes patient, upset, and sometimes at peace. It has been a HUGE part of life that God was definitely trying to take control and tell me I can't find my identity in my job or base my emotions on my job. Poor Caleb has sat through numerous complaints and pleadings for something new. Of course, God had it all planned out from the beginning and gave my a wonderful new job, much better than I ever deserved with an amazing schedule and a stellar supervisor to top it off! It's funny to look back on the past 6 months and think of all the worry, fret and dreaming I was doing, wondering if God really would come through or if I was going to stay where I was for the rest of my life. Literally, that is what I thought apparently, by the way I acted and stressed. Trusting God is so hard for me. It's so easy to say, its the simplest right answer to most questions, but having it actually translate out into my daily life is a whole other beast. I guess it's daily putting it before Him and knowing He hears my prayers and has good for me even in the hard or confusing places.
So I'm off on a new journey and my new schedule also allows more time to work on the shop and opens up doors for other opportunity.
One of my goals with this new schedule, which I am afraid to actually write down because then I really have to do it, is to exercise much more often. During the summer I really got into gear, ran a few races, got stronger, made my heart pump blood better, and got into decent shape and then came which I've pretty much done nothing. So to offer my apologies to Lucy and my weak, lazy body I am now going to be out and about more often.

Here is to new.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I love games. Caleb and I are big game geeks. Especially in the winter one of my favorite past times with friends and family is board games. I like games better than movies with friends just because you're still interacting and enjoy eachother's company.

This weekend we played the traditional Uno and Yatzee, but we also played a couple new games. So for everyone with a love for games, check these out!

Ivanhoe, is supposed to allow 2-5 players, but we played it with 7 and it worked perfectly. I am always looking for games that allow a lot of players because we always seem to have plenty of people over. Our friend Rob introduced us to this game in which you enter into tournaments to score the most tokens by the end of the game. Each time you win a tournament you can get a different colored chip and whoever gets the most first wins. It's a game of strategy and chance. I'm pretty sure this will be one we purchase, I've been wanting to play it ever since the first time!

I've played Saboteur twice now and this game is fun because it involves bluffing. This game can be played with 3-10 players. In this game you are either a dwarf or a saboteur, the goal if your a dwarf is to dig a path to the gold, and if you're a saboteur it's to stop the dwarfs getting to the gold. It's fun because you don't know who is good and who is bad, you have to figure it out by watching how they play.

Wits and Wagers is actually a game I haven't played yet, but have heard a lot about. I'm super interested in playing it, let me know if you have and if it's a good purchase! Plus it says you can play with up to 21 players. My kind of game!

I have tons of other games we like playing maybe I'll post about another day.

Hope you had a good weekend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


You know when you want change so bad, and it's taking it's sweet little time? Well, that's how I'm feeling today.

The way to cope?

Not sure, but I usually turn to playing mindless games and daydreaming.

I'd love to be daydreaming out this window on a day like today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A few goals

Waking up today was...not fun. But let's be honest, I'm not a morning person. I really can't get any words to come out of my mouth until I've been awake for at least an hour. I think it's just the fact that the holidays are over makes it that much more difficult to start another day. But it's a new year! I've been trying to mull over whether I'm going to write down goals or not, I feel like I haven't written down goals in awhile and it may be a healthy way to get on track with life. So, hopefully this weekend I can take some time and work on that.
Today, I have a short list of things I want to be doing in the near future I'd like to share with you. Some may need to wait longer than others to start, but the goal is to just get them down eventually.

1. Get reading back into my weekly routine. I use to read for recreation all the time, and I feel like now I never pick up a book to read just for the sake of reading.

2. Make lots of meal prep and freeze them for easy meals during the week! I want my freezer to look like this!

3. Hike Mt. Timpanogos! I would love to make it to the summit, but for now I'd like to make it to Emerald Lake, which is 6.5 miles one way. I honestly don't think I've ever hiked that far before, but I LOVE hiking to lakes, so then you can jump in once you're there! This one will have to wait til it gets a little warmer, but I can start training by going on other hikes. Isn't it beautiful?

4. Making home grown tea! I'm very excited about this! I'm going to start a little herb garden. I love tea, so this will be just lovely.

Have a good Tuesday!