Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I'm almost ready. No matter how determined I am, I always procrastinate, at least just a little.

I already starting planning my New Year's resolution to get back in shape. I was doing so well, and then boom, the cold season and the holidays hit and I kinda just....stopped. That's bad news, for me and Lucy. So I'm gonna go out eating a mountain and come back in the New Year determined to get back to a workout routine.

I'm definitely ready for a few days off. It's fun being married and spending Christmas with two families and two sets of traditions. I can't wait to relax, stay up late and sleep in.

I hope the sun is shining this weekend, we've been getting rain the past few days, which is lovely, but my skin misses the vitamin D.

Have a Merry Christmas. I love all the treats, presents, decorations and general coziness about it, but I am so grateful I know my Savior was born 2010 years ago and I can celebrate His life this holiday season. It's quite mind blowing He chose to come to this earth as a humble, helpless baby born in a feed bin, instead of on a great white horse, trumpets blasting in all His glory and splendor. What an amazing Savior I have.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hello Friends,
Hope your work week is flying by, it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away! I can't wait!
My lovely sis-in-law has a cute blog you should check out, especially because she has a whole post of holiday shop discounts! There are a lot of adorable shops, including Godspeed that have discounts. Check it out, . She is an amazingly creative woman with an awesome fashion sense. Also check out her shop at Thanks, Elise!

We got a bunch of snow on Monday night and it was wonderful! Today it's been raining, so I hope it won't melt all the snow. Maybe we'll get another storm before Christmas.

I made some creamy chicken noodle soup last night that ALMOST turned out. haha. Well, my dad liked it, but I definitely have a few tweeks I'll put on the next batch. I've never been too excited about traditional chicken noodle soup, so I got excited when my co worker brought the creamy version into work one day and I fell inlove.

Enjoy Wednesday!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weekend in pictures.

I had a great weekend, it flew by of course, but was was more lazy than usual which I definitely appreciated. I started watching the TV series, LOST and I am addicted. It's pretty much all I want to do in my spare time, so if you haven't seen it, make sure to start when you have plenty of extra time. Here a few pictures recapping the weekend. Hope yours was lovely as well!

Caleb made my breakfast in bed on Saturday! It was his first time making an omelette, and it was delicious! He pretty much only likes cereal for breakfast, so it's super sweet he learns how to make things I like for beakfast!

Here is our tiny Christmas tree. It's about half my height, but it makes us feel like grown ups to have decorations!

Caleb put our Christmas lights for the first time! They are magical to me!

Taking a snooze.

One Monday I took an impromptu day off. It was just lovely and I went with my family to Spanish Fork to do some thrifting. Definitely a treat!

Last night was 'Righteous 80s Christmas Party' at church. It was a total blast! Seeing everyone all sparkly and hot pink was awesome.

Enjoy your holiday season!

Monday, December 6, 2010

So making soap, is hard. Well, maybe not for some people, or maybe not if I took a different approach, but the way I chose to go about it, was not good. I am not so sorely bummed out that I won't try again, but my 16 co-workers are getting dollar store ornaments this week instead of homemade soap. I'm sure if I hadn't tried the most difficult way to make pretty soap, I would have had better luck. Next time I'm gonna to just try to dye it pretty colors, instead of making a Van Gogh. Anyway, on that note, no pictures will be shared.

I tried to get a job at a stinky, endearing place. It didn't go as well as hoped. I did great with the animals, but the people were a bit more frightening. It's kind of hard when you have no experience and all you have is love. Doesn't go over as well as you think it would. Plus, you have to actually talk to someone to communicate your desire. It's okay. Something will come around.

Besides that I had a great weekend, I'll be trying to add more items to the shop this week/coming weekend, my sister Brenna came over for some lovely shots by Hannah Porter. I atleast got that done with out too much trouble.

I also made English Cottage Pie. Mmmm. Now THAT was a sucess, though some may say thyme ruled the dish a bit too strongly, I'd have to disagree.

Happy Monday.

Friday, December 3, 2010


So excited for the weekend. I'm going to be trying to make soap! Hopefully it'll turn out well, I'll share pictures of the finish product if it's worthy (: Also, I'll be adding more items to the shop this weekend or beginning of next week hopefully!

Hey, I don't know if you noticed, but on the sidebar of this blog there is a spot to donate to WFP to help fight hunger. I honestly don't even know what hunger is like, I have never been in a situation where I am with out food or with out shelter and yet a large portion of our world lives this way. One simple way you can help is to go to this link and take this quiz. Just by taking this quiz alone you will allow a child to have a warm meal. Pass this onto your friends and family, what a simply way to make a difference for someone who has nothing. It honestly only takes a few minutes to complete! You can always donate financially as well through the link on my page. Take a moment to see if you have a few extra dollars you could give to someone who won't be enjoying a Christmas at all this year.

Have a wonderful weekend!