Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I'm almost ready. No matter how determined I am, I always procrastinate, at least just a little.

I already starting planning my New Year's resolution to get back in shape. I was doing so well, and then boom, the cold season and the holidays hit and I kinda just....stopped. That's bad news, for me and Lucy. So I'm gonna go out eating a mountain and come back in the New Year determined to get back to a workout routine.

I'm definitely ready for a few days off. It's fun being married and spending Christmas with two families and two sets of traditions. I can't wait to relax, stay up late and sleep in.

I hope the sun is shining this weekend, we've been getting rain the past few days, which is lovely, but my skin misses the vitamin D.

Have a Merry Christmas. I love all the treats, presents, decorations and general coziness about it, but I am so grateful I know my Savior was born 2010 years ago and I can celebrate His life this holiday season. It's quite mind blowing He chose to come to this earth as a humble, helpless baby born in a feed bin, instead of on a great white horse, trumpets blasting in all His glory and splendor. What an amazing Savior I have.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hello Friends,
Hope your work week is flying by, it's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away! I can't wait!
My lovely sis-in-law has a cute blog you should check out, especially because she has a whole post of holiday shop discounts! There are a lot of adorable shops, including Godspeed that have discounts. Check it out, . She is an amazingly creative woman with an awesome fashion sense. Also check out her shop at Thanks, Elise!

We got a bunch of snow on Monday night and it was wonderful! Today it's been raining, so I hope it won't melt all the snow. Maybe we'll get another storm before Christmas.

I made some creamy chicken noodle soup last night that ALMOST turned out. haha. Well, my dad liked it, but I definitely have a few tweeks I'll put on the next batch. I've never been too excited about traditional chicken noodle soup, so I got excited when my co worker brought the creamy version into work one day and I fell inlove.

Enjoy Wednesday!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weekend in pictures.

I had a great weekend, it flew by of course, but was was more lazy than usual which I definitely appreciated. I started watching the TV series, LOST and I am addicted. It's pretty much all I want to do in my spare time, so if you haven't seen it, make sure to start when you have plenty of extra time. Here a few pictures recapping the weekend. Hope yours was lovely as well!

Caleb made my breakfast in bed on Saturday! It was his first time making an omelette, and it was delicious! He pretty much only likes cereal for breakfast, so it's super sweet he learns how to make things I like for beakfast!

Here is our tiny Christmas tree. It's about half my height, but it makes us feel like grown ups to have decorations!

Caleb put our Christmas lights for the first time! They are magical to me!

Taking a snooze.

One Monday I took an impromptu day off. It was just lovely and I went with my family to Spanish Fork to do some thrifting. Definitely a treat!

Last night was 'Righteous 80s Christmas Party' at church. It was a total blast! Seeing everyone all sparkly and hot pink was awesome.

Enjoy your holiday season!

Monday, December 6, 2010

So making soap, is hard. Well, maybe not for some people, or maybe not if I took a different approach, but the way I chose to go about it, was not good. I am not so sorely bummed out that I won't try again, but my 16 co-workers are getting dollar store ornaments this week instead of homemade soap. I'm sure if I hadn't tried the most difficult way to make pretty soap, I would have had better luck. Next time I'm gonna to just try to dye it pretty colors, instead of making a Van Gogh. Anyway, on that note, no pictures will be shared.

I tried to get a job at a stinky, endearing place. It didn't go as well as hoped. I did great with the animals, but the people were a bit more frightening. It's kind of hard when you have no experience and all you have is love. Doesn't go over as well as you think it would. Plus, you have to actually talk to someone to communicate your desire. It's okay. Something will come around.

Besides that I had a great weekend, I'll be trying to add more items to the shop this week/coming weekend, my sister Brenna came over for some lovely shots by Hannah Porter. I atleast got that done with out too much trouble.

I also made English Cottage Pie. Mmmm. Now THAT was a sucess, though some may say thyme ruled the dish a bit too strongly, I'd have to disagree.

Happy Monday.

Friday, December 3, 2010


So excited for the weekend. I'm going to be trying to make soap! Hopefully it'll turn out well, I'll share pictures of the finish product if it's worthy (: Also, I'll be adding more items to the shop this weekend or beginning of next week hopefully!

Hey, I don't know if you noticed, but on the sidebar of this blog there is a spot to donate to WFP to help fight hunger. I honestly don't even know what hunger is like, I have never been in a situation where I am with out food or with out shelter and yet a large portion of our world lives this way. One simple way you can help is to go to this link and take this quiz. Just by taking this quiz alone you will allow a child to have a warm meal. Pass this onto your friends and family, what a simply way to make a difference for someone who has nothing. It honestly only takes a few minutes to complete! You can always donate financially as well through the link on my page. Take a moment to see if you have a few extra dollars you could give to someone who won't be enjoying a Christmas at all this year.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Missed You Blizzard

I was waiting all night for the blizzard. I woke up this morning and looked outside to see... nothing really. I mean, there was a smattering of snow on the ground, but that's about it.
I wanted to see a tree covered like THIS,

Oh well, I'm sure it'll be soon enough. It just sounded delightful to be trapped in the house for one night, sipping cocoa, watching movies. Also, getting work off would have been nice too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Back in the swing of things. I had an AMAZING weekend with my hubby. He planned out so many wonderful things to do! We even stayed at a hotel with a water slide! He definitely went above and beyond and made me feel so special. I am so blessed to have him in my life as my husband!
I woke up today NOT wanting to get out of bed, which turned into rushing out the door. Wednesday is always a hard day for me to get going. Half way through the week, and next week is a short week!
On another note, I REALLY need to start Christmas shopping. Brainstorming is one of the hardest parts for me. I always want to get great gifts, but that doesn't seem to manifest itself too easily. Well, enjoy your day, here are a few photos from our weekend.

He took my to visit an old colonial village, where old houses and cabins had been relocated. It was MAGICAL. Here is the cute barber shop. We ran around looking in all the windows like kids at a candy shop. Can't wait to go back and visit when the houses are open!

Ridin the train.

They also had a farm with cows and horses, which made my day! I love farms and being outdoors

A glimpse of the beautiful sunset we were enjoying all evening.

Then we hiked up behind the U to a rock I use to visit almost everyday and enjoyed an unbelievable view of the Salt Lake City.

We went to the Red Iguana for REALLY yummy mexican food.

All dolled up for a night on the town.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Adventure Weekend

So excited that in a few short hours I'm leaving with my hubby on a secret rendezvous somewhere. He won't tell me the location, so of course I'm been going crazy all week thinking about it and now it's FINALLY here! So, everyone have a good weekend, I know I will! I'll be relaxing with my husband is some fun, new place!
I'll leave you a with a few pictures of Caleb, something I love about him is that he is a goofball! Hard to even get a serious picture of him. He has fun with life.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Happy Monday!

Woke up to rain on the windows, which is SO lovely. I am enjoying the gloomy weather so far! I am LOVING the new banner Rachel Hahn made me for this blog and my shop! She is so talented and I'm grateful to have her as my best friend! Thanks Rache!

I had my first sale over the weekend, which was super exciting! It was fun to figure out shipping ideas and how to wrap a feather headband, not as easy as you'd think.

I'm ready to tackle this week!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Treasures

I'm excited to say, new items will be in the shop tomorrow!! Good start to the weekend, spent all afternoon working on it and can't wait to have my lovely little sister model for you! Tonight I'll be off to some italian pizza with my little brother and husband! Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

also time to take Lucy out to play!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Night Walks

One of my favorite places is outside at night. Almost every house I've lived in has had a field a few steps away. Its a rush to be run as fast as I can across a dark field where no one can see me and I feel like the fastest person who has stepped foot on earth. I love being able to dance wildly in the middle of no where in the dark and feel absolutely beautiful. It's the feeling of being completely free and innocent. I'm never been afraid of the night. I used to take long walks at night alone and I was just in bliss. Its a nice time to think with less distractions. See, during the day there is so much more for your eyes to focus on and your ears to hear, at night everyone is asleep and its black all around you.
A few things I thought about tonight, mostly unfinished thoughts, but its nice to start working things out in my head. I think about people, relationships, from the past and present. How some of your favorite things can be taken away, just because of new memories and other memories become so vivid they change you. I live by the free way, and I just wanna get on and go. Just drive several hours to a new city. It'd be nice to come and go as I please, though I'm sure it'd be lonely, I guess I just don't know how to settle down yet. It's a process right? How long does each season in life last? It seems they keep getting longer. Maybe not. I can take comfort in the Truth that God knows exactly where I am right now and where I am going.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I had a wonderful weekend. I ended up taking Friday off to explore antique and thrift stores with my sweet hubs. Also on Friday, enjoyed getting tatted with my my father-in-law Dana, it was a great date night!
Saturday we had a Halloween party that turned out fantastic. It was a blast seeing everyone dressed up in crazy outfits.
Saturday morning and most of Sunday I worked on getting the shop up. My best friend Rachel was a HUGE help to get things started online on Saturday! It is still DEFINITELY under construction, as I'm still just learning everything, but it's fun to say I have some items up there! Soon I'll have a banner and make it more personal! Take a look at what's up so far!
Enjoy your Monday!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello Sunday afternoon.
Went on a rainy bike ride, and took some photos for my shop Godspeed! I had some lovely models, my lil sis, Brenna and her friend, Sidney! Here's a little sneak peak.

So, I'm shooting to open up the shop this coming Saturday as I want to add some necklaces before it opens as well!
I'm off to make pumpkin cream cheese muffins and enjoy my husband on this dreary afternoon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Good morning!
I'm happy to announce I'm going to start an Etsy shop! It's called Godspeed and I'm going to be selling all different types of accesories, starting with headbands and necklaces! I'm trying to get it open by the beginning of next week, so I'll keep you all posted. I've been having a blast making things and finding unique supplies.
Now, I've got tons of work to do to get it started!
Have a great Thursday, Friday is just around the corner!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

well hello there.

It's been awhile. September is almost over, which BLOWS my mind. I have to say I am a bit antsy for frost on the windows, but I know after a month or 2 I'll be done with cold weather, so I'm trying not to get overly excited.

I'm anticipating some changes in the near future, maybe a little too much, but for now I'm sitting tight, waiting. Its a good, hard place. I know in the end it'll pay off. I'm excited to start some new adventures, but I have to wait for the old ones to be finished before I dive in.
With that vague explanation, I will leave you. Hopefully next time I write I'll be on my NEW expedition. Until then, enjoy your week, and don't get a cold like I did.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am excited to drink hot chocolate and wear jackets. I really am excited for a chill in the air and leaves turning colors.
I feel like I'm in a rut. A heart rut. Its really a paper wall. I just need to make the time to walk through it. I need to take time to walk on through it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here are a few recipes that look delicious to me! I hope to try them soon. What's one of your favorite, quick and easy recipes? I'd love to hear

Blueberry Muffins

I made these last night and they were DELICIOUS and very simple!

Baked Taco Bowls

Super cool idea to spice it up a bit!

Chilled Roasted Tomato Soup

soup sounds so good with the weather cooling off, though Caleb doesn't like tomatoes so I'll have to sneak it in for lunch one day for me! Also, the idea of chilled is pretty new to me, so I may try it hot, and then maybe chilled after that!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


You may have noticed some changes on my blog, and I am very excited to be a part of World Food Programme. It is an organization fighting against world hunger. I have been thinking often about the severe problem of people in need around the globe lately, and honestly it just overwhelms me. I don't even know where to start to even make a small difference, so I was glad when I found this site to be a part of. I have SO much and I am so blessed by an abundance of needs and WANTS met. We can all play a part in helping someone who is truly in need. I have donated some money, just by forfeiting going out to eat, starbucks, a new shirt, using less water, bike riding or whatever you can think of we can SAVE money and give it to someone who really needs it. Someone who is struggling to get just one meal, or clean water. I hope you would consider giving any amount to help.
Here are a few facts on hunger:
Most people think of malnutrition as not having enough to eat. But for many of the world's one billion hungry people, the problem is that they get too few of the minerals and vitamins that they need to thrive, physically and mentally.

Malnutrition often starts in the womb, when malnourished mothers give birth to malnourished children. This creates a cycle that continues for generations, and we need to break this cycle and ensure that the right food is provided at the right time.

The first two years of a child’s life is essential. Without the right nutrition, the child’s physical and mental development is compromised irreversibly. When a child is malnourished its body struggles to do normal things such as grow and resist disease.

Hunger is killing thousands of children every day even though we have the knowledge, ability and means to prevent child malnutrition in developing countries.

If you click the banner on my page it will take you to a site you can donate towards hunger.
Thanks everyone!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Caleb started his first day of work at the DMV today. I'm so proud of him for getting into a state job! I hope he has a great time! It even made me more excited to get out of bed this lovely Monday.
Driving to work the sun was just starting to rise and it reminded me, God is good. This week and weekend have been a roller coaster of laughing so hard I cried, to feeling sick to my stomach with pain of change and loss, to watching real, immediate needs be met and eyes lighting up with gratitude from the smallest gift. There is a balance in there somewhere and I think it's God.

It was so wonderful floating on the lake this weekend with good friends. We got all the patches fixed, so we had no fear of sinking. What a perfect little slice of heaven. I think we're ready to try a river.

Here's to a good week.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I love the phrase, Godspeed. It always makes me think of a sailor on his boat, leaving the shore to explore unknown waters. Who knows what will happen to him or where he is going, but his friends and family wish him Godspeed. God be with you, where ever you go.
We're always on a journey, sometimes it seems like my journey goes in circles, and its not progressing, other times it's like I'm RUNNING to keep up with where I'm going. I really don't know where I'm headed exactly, right now it's the heart of Provo, in 5 years it might be somewhere different. Honestly, it's what God wants. I don't want to base my life around a career, because what if God wants me else where? I want to learn life skills that I can use where ever I am. For example, if I learn to sew, clean a house, love people or cook dinner, I can take that to Africa, California, or Brazil or even Wyoming. If I wanted to be a doctor, hairdresser, chef, or lawyer, I could take those with me too. I could use those to benefit the kingdom of God. I would love to be a sailor on the high seas, but honestly, I am. Its just a different sea, but it has storms, big ones, and it has beautiful coves of rest and adventure. I love to know that God called me hear, but sometimes its overwhelming, dark and lonely, but I'm never really alone. God is with me. I wish you all Godspeed, that's really all we need.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I love my husband. He is such a good man. ♥

Monday, August 23, 2010

I so badly want to go to all the beautiful places in the world, even just the USA, as that's more realistic I guess. I want to swim in caves and climb a mountain over looking a giant lake. I want to crawl on rocks with waves crashing over them. I want to wade through streams up canyons until I can't feel my legs. I want to hike for hours with sweat dripping all over me and finally make it to a giant waterfall where I can jump in a pool of water and feel the cool refreshment. I want to sit in hot springs while snow is falling all around me. I want to kayak a giant lake and sail on the ocean. I want to raft down a rushing river and float on a lazy stream. I want to climb over hills of green green trees. I hope this isn't all a far away dream. I want to Live and Breath it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

This week has flown by. We've been super busy, but all with fun things. Caleb got some work done on his half sleeve tattoo, it's looking REALLY good. Its super detailed. He has the greatest ideas, he's so creative. He's contemplating on a full sleeve. That's quite a commitment, but I'm all for it!
I went to a kickboxing class on Monday and I definitely enjoyed it. I've tried doing workout routines with videos and I could just never get the hang of it, but I realized when it's real life and you can stare at the girl in front of you, it's much easier to follow along. I'm STILL sore, but I'm really excited to keep going, its fun kicking people, I mean not people, just air for now.

I went to my beloved Dave Matthews concert on Tuesday at Usana Amphitheater with Rach. We were both quite disappointed with the view and sound quality from the lawn. We kept trying to sneak up into the seats, but they had heavy security. It was weird just knowing Dave was in walking distance ( a LONG walk). I never really thought I'd be able to go to one of his shows, so I'm glad I can say I did, even though it really wasn't an impressive venue.

I'm not sure what we're in store for this weekend, but I do know I still need to hike the Y and atleast make it to the waterfalls up the back of Timpanogos. I hope I do that before the summer is over.

I also need to start cooking again.

Also, Caleb got a job at the DMV!! We are both ecstatic because he has needed to get out of Key for awhile. Now he gets Fridays off and has GREAT insurance, plus 40hr guaranteed, which he didn't have at Key. I hope he enjoys working there. Now I'm on the hunt for something new. Slowly but surely. God is so good. He provides, Caleb getting this job is proof of that.

Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fight Poverty

This is such a cool website. If you have free time and you wanna work on your math, english, chemistry or geography you should go to this site! For every answer you get right a grain of rice is given to people who are hungry in poor countries. Now a grain isn't much, but if we all do it, it can add up!! Visit this site and see what an awesome program this is!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

"You look like a bald eagle!" -Co-worker exclaiming about my hair.

You know what I love, deals.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Coming Home

I miss hearing the waves crashing right outside the window, but atleast I have the breeze whispering through the trees on my front porch, well front step, I wouldn't exactly call it a porch.

I've been turning off lights and brushing my teeth with less water because I'm reading 'Irresistible Revolution', and 20,000 kids die from unclean water everyday. My small efforts aren't even denting the severe problem, but I'm trying to learn and be less naive about the world around me. Its so overwhelming and devastating, especially when I think about the pure luxury I live in. I'm such a rich girl, no matter how much I might think I'm not. I want to learn to fight poverty more practically, even in my own city.

Contentment. I have so many, 'if onlys', dealing with work, time, sleep, etc. Supposedly in my mind if they are fulfilled life with be a perfect dream. Well, not until I learn Christ is ALL I need to be content will I ever be content. God is so good. I am so absolutely blessed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friend's of whom?

Last night at Refuge one question really stuck with me. First of all the original question was, how much of your thinking was influenced by the world before you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Obviously the answer is 100%. The next question was a challenge and wake up call.....How much of your thinking now is influenced by the world? As I sat and thought about the music, movies, internet, fashion, and books that I participate in, I realized probably atleast 50%-65% of my thinking is still influenced by the world. That leaves less than half of me I offer for God to fill.

How often do you really challenge ourselves and our christian family about music or movies we watch, and listen to? Am I honestly set apart from the world, or do I look just like it except I go to church on Sunday?

I really don't want that. I don't down deep. How will I change that? God is worth everything.

James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Here is to you.

I keep wondering if we ever affected you, or if you think about us. It's hard to tell, you are a boy and sometimes boys pretend things to seem more manly. I guess I could drive to Vernal and probably find you working for the police department, but you might not want to see me, so I'll hide behind a bush just to see what your life is like now. Sometimes that's how friendships end up.

Jesus and bodies of water are the two things that really keep me feeling alive. The moment your chest gets tight from the cold pushing its way into your heart and all around you the trees tower so that is all you can see. Sitting in the dark with the people you love, praying to God, so thankful He's filled our lives with purpose and hope. Those things are what makes me keep going and living life to the fullest, especially in those moments.

I keep thinking of the little blissful moments of next week, on the beach. I can't wait to leave on Saturday mornin' coffee in hand, drivin into empty Nevada with my love, listening to the National serenading us on the 80. Waking up to the ocean just footsteps away, being able to worship my Savior looking at one of the most beautiful scenes on the earth. Staying up late, and waking up early occasionally (if we want) and napping in between. Just exploring, relaxing, and catching up with family. I hope it's a retreat to the mind and body.

I cut off all my hair, well nearly all. It feels so good, when I glance at myself in the mirror I see a boy, but at least it's a cute boy who wears mascara. I really am happy about it though. Sometimes I don't even want to look like a girl very much. Especially in the summer.

Its crazy summer is over in a monthish, I'm really not ready, so here's to making the most of this month.

Monday, July 19, 2010

until next time weekend.

Full and wonderful weekend.

-swimming all day, but no sun burn.
-sleeping in way too late
-laying on the living room floor enjoying good friend's company.
-homemade pizza
-communion on a mountain
-city lights
-convicting message
-chocolate and peanut butter
-late night walks
-getting to know you
-smores on a grill
-village inn
-$1 drafts
-learning to love
-learning to sew

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blue Blazin

The whole day was filled with the National. Literally every album. I think I needed it to work through my day.
Tonight was frisbee, but poor Lucy tore the pads on one of her paws, so she couldn't take part in the fun. I decided to stay home with her. I feel like I never get time with her because I'm either at work or church basically. It was nice to slow down and enjoy an evening with my pup.
My tummy is killing me. Hopefully that'll go away soon. Donuts in the morning.

my forest, on my street.

It gets so quiet. I start thinking more than usual, it sobers me.
Green trees tangled in my hair, green water, sitting so still. We casually chat about the scenes on your arms. The breeze stirs us up, it makes us more alive and less alert. I do love you, with my whole heart. We walk into our get away. A place you can feel safe and see the beauty. We bike through the forest, the forest I've made it out to be in my mind. I wish I lived in the fields. I wish I wore white and blue dresses everyday and walked through fields until it was too hot and I got a sunburn. So then I would jump in the green water and probably get quite dirty, but it wouldn't matter for awhile.
How easily I forget the pain of others. I regret that.
And that's why I cried that night, it hurt, because I knew they hurt.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our stage in front of church
Us getting ready to play on the Tabernacle Stage

Yummy chips!

Our booth!

Avoice playing on Saturday night!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Freedom Fest

Man oh man, last weekend was pretty epic. I was so honored to be apart of all the Freedom Festival activities that were honestly all meant to just get the name of Jesus Christ out there in this city. We had concerts at the church, which went very well! 3 people actually accepted Christ, super encouraging. Then the booth had 1000s of people flood by it, which even if they didn't stop, they saw our sign and got one of our balloons for their kids. Now they can associate a smiling face with the Rock Church.
There was a couple other christian churches with booths in the festival as well, which I was stoked about. We did learn one of the families heading down to man their, 'Utah for Jesus booth' got in a car accident and a woman actually died. She had kids and a husband, and it broke my heart to hear that. Please be praying for that family. It really shows what a battle we are in, its not with flesh and blood, but with the powers for darkness. We can stand firm that Christ gives us victory over the darkness though, which is such a comfort. In this time of mourning please lift that family up to Jesus, I can't even imagine the pain.
Playing at the Tabernacle stage was another glory to God. We spent some time in prayer before we headed over there and just asked God to honor Himself there. What ended up happening is the parade went longer then anticipated, and we were supposed to be playing after the parade. The stage coordinator, a sweet lady name Delynn asked us to start playing even though the parade was still going. So we started the set out with our church family there to worship and support, and it was LOUD. It really carried over the speakers, and of course I didn't think much of it because I figured they expected that. Well, a lady came running over screaming at us to stop and turn it down. You could tell she was seriously upset. She then preceded to fight with Delynn and my dad about having us stop playing because she can't hear the parade and that's why she even came that morning. Well, after 2 more songs we did stop, I was getting really thrown off because I could just see her angry face and really, I just wanted to stop to appease her. We waited for about a half hour and the parade finally did finish. Delynn asked us to play 2 more songs, we couldn't finish our set because they needed to stay on schedule. The minute the parade ended people flooded into the tent, just because it was the next event. We played Holy Savior and Amazing Grace and it was an unbelievable feeling. God was being worshiped right in the middle of downtown Provo with hundreds of people listening. Plus the whole first 3 rows were was our family openly worshipping and singing, it was unreal. In that moment all glory was to Christ. I was honestly a little freaked. I was like, someone's gonna run up here and say, you can't do that, you can't worship Christ here. But no one did. I just closed my eyes and sang and it felt incredible. I can't truly explain it, all I know is you should be there next year, its proclaiming Christ in such an awesome way. People just watched and listened and I wondered what God was working in their hearts in that moment. I am so blessed and honored to have been a part of that. God is good.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures up today. I have the afternoon off, and I'm seriously looking forward to relaxing.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freedom Fest

This weekend is Freedom Festival in Provo. Its a HUGE event, tons of people come from all over to buy homemade crafts, eat yummy food, look at art, dare to ride rides and listen to music. We're so blessed to have our church building just one block from all the partying. We'll be holding concerts in our parking lot Friday and Saturday night. We also have a booth in the festival where we give away water bottles and balloons. Its such an exciting, packed weekend! It'll be a blast. Then on Monday morning there is a giant parade that a quarter of a million people attend, and our band has the opportunity to play right after the parade on the tabernacle stage, which is in the middle of everything! Needless to say I'm a bit nervous, but ultimately God gets all the glory. We just want to make His name famous, so no need for nerves, though they'll probably stay with me until its over!! So if you don't have plans this weekend come rock the Freedom Fest with us, there will always be plenty to do! Hopefully I'll have some pictures to share after it's all over. Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 28, 2010

You wouldn't look and expect what you see. We all have a different sense of style entirely. Honestly, its such a hodge podge of colors and hair cuts. Somehow hearts can be knit so closely, so easily, disregarding the way you talk and the music you listen to. I think that's the way God wanted it. He looks down and says, why do you guys even care, I mean, originally you were supposed to hang out naked.
It really makes you feel alive, just to go live and forget what we're 'supposed' to look like, or act like. Its nice to jump in lakes and play basketball until you can't sweat anymore with people who just live, they just really only care to live. And the only common bond is our Saviour. The most beautiful and enriching connection we could have, and that makes us all breath and wake up day to day.
I'm very thankful for where I am right now. God, you are so good. Even if its not easy, its good. Thank you

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm feeling really good today. I mean it is Thursday, we've made it through over half the week. Its a beautiful thing.
Last night Caleb took me to Rice King for dinner, I ate WAY too many cream cheese wontons and then we went hiking on my current favorite trail just past a couple miles past Vivian Park in Provo Canyon. Its so gorgeous up in the canyon right now, I love the drive to Big Springs Hollow, its filled with old farm houses, open fields, little creeks, and rusty barns. We saw a baby deer on our way up there last night! I'll have to take pictures next time we go up there because it is just the most peaceful, wonderful area. No one was on the trail, which surprised me, but I love that its not very busy up there, it just adds to the serene background.
Lucy has a blast exploring and Caleb and I had a great time talking and laughing and enjoying creation. God is so good, if I don't believe it, then I can just head to the mountains and have no doubt. We had a good time of prayer together up there. Its an amazing place to worship God.
What a great way to spend our date, we need to investigate more trails up there. Hopefully this summer we'll hit a BUNCH of trails. There is so much to be discovered.
Also, one more month and I get to spend a week on the coast! I'm basically bursting with excitment about that. Again, God is so good to provide. Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We heart it
With my kid on my shoulders,

I'll try Not to hurt anybody I like

But I don't have the drugs to sort

I don't have the drugs to sort it out, sort it out

Yellow voices swallowing my soul, soul, soul, soul

-The National

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Street lamps

I love walking the streets at night with a good conversation. A new discovery and a friendship. Its more than interesting to see where people have come from, where they plan on going, and what they'll do in between.
I mark people down as who they are before I really even know. I wish I could sit down with people the minute I know them and say, what's the hardest thing that has happened to you, and what has brought you the most joy?
I walk a line of so much appreciation. I am so grateful to God for healing my dad, and I know so many haven't had that same outcome. I know so many have had to feel the pain til the end and they still feel it in the quiet spaces, in the loving interaction of a mother and her daughter. Its the elephant in the room.
There are so many brave people I know. So many people that have conquered many mountains and had to swims through too many storms. I'm so proud of them and sometimes I forget where they've been because they have chosen to move on so strongly. I am so blessed to have these people standing so firmly next to me. I know they won't run, if they were going to run it would've been years ago.
I decide people's motives and desires way to quickly for my own good. People change, people grow up and sometimes I stick them in a box of neverland. Last night opened my eyes to see even my own family is changing and standing up, and I'm so proud of them. I'm so proud of who my siblings are becoming.
I love the new relationships, and I love the worn ones. You have to have both.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The power went off at work yesterday. We all went home early, but we have to make the time up on Friday. So all this time I was thinking it'd be so cool if the power went out, but then I found out we have to make the time up anyway. I'm not really impressed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Virginia May

Gregory Alan Isakov is coloring my morning gray and peaceful. I can't take loud noises or lights, my eyes are still sleeping, well, really my entire face is still wanting to be in bed.
We had Refuge on Campus (ROC) last night. It was pretty amazing to be singing at the top of our lungs to our King in the student center. It's so encouraging to be with the body. Really there is no replacement.
It rained for 2 minutes, huge drops as big as grapes, but after that it just threatened until we left the park. We played frisbee until it was too dark and we all rememebered we work early in the morning.
There is not much time until the next 5k. My score from the race on saturday was 28min. I'm hoping by the end of July at my last race I'll be down to 26 or so. I really need to go on actual runs, lately I've just relied on frisbee to get me in shape.
Today is a great day to go hiking and I have a hiking DATE. I'm very excited. Right after work we're heading to Slate Canyon to hike with the pups. Jen just moved her from Logan and before that Michigan. I already like her a lot. Hopefully we can take lots of adventures together up these gorgeous hills and canyons. There is a whole other world to explore up there and I intend to.
Here's to hoping work flies by...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I heard the women on the other line, she was much older, definitely a grandmother, which made me even more upset about sitting at this desk. It made me upset about choices made, but again, its a season. Its just such a long season.
I wanted to be out defending crime victims, but really in the end I'd probably just cry myself to sleep each and every night.
I wanted to be working in the animal shelter, but then again if I cut my hand open I wouldn't be able to go to the Dr. without paying $2000 dollars.
I atleast wanted to be bike riding, or hiking the tallest mountain, just to say that happened. Or even taking a nap, even a nap would be more satisfying at this point.
Its just the hard, long days that get to me. I should be grateful, I am in so many ways, but some days I just wanna say, what did I even want to do? How did I end up where I am?
Then I remember the nights with the spears, and the laurens and the scotts and the trinas. I'm grateful for them. I know that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I know that makes it all worth it, but maybe I should've stayed in school. Found something important to claim, some title to bare.
If I would've stayed I wouldn't have half the life I have now. I would still be there, in that dorm. Not knowing what I really cared about.
Its all a puzzle and pieces really do fit just right, its just you don't see the picture until the puzzle is fully finished. I wish this section was complete and I was outside running in a sprinkler.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So my first 5k since highschool is on SATURDAY! I'm pretty nervous. I've felt pretty good about how much training I've done in the last month or so, but I still don' t feel completely ready, as in my body still doesn't feel completely in shape. I guess ready or not at this point.
I have another one scheduled for the end of July, so I'm hoping I'll be able to beat my score from this first race by then.
Ultimate frisbee has been happening 2 or 3 times a week, which is perfect for my life. This summer is really starting out how I envisioned it might happen.
I hiked up a mountain right into a thunderstorm, and then ran down the mountain in a downpour. Now just 10 more of those this summer and I'll be set.
I'm ready to search Provo, Spanish fork, and Payson canyon for more midnight lakes to jump into to. I'm so glad God has brought more crazy people here to do these things with me. It's gonna be a good summer.
Plus I made parmesan encrusted tilapia for dinner last night and I loved it! Its fun trying new ways to make fish. That recipe is definitely a winner, and so easy.
It's good to feel alive.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Soldiers in this battle.

Heard some devastating news about friends on Sunday. Its hard to endure death and its even harder when a whole family is involved. My heart and mind keep wandering back to the family and praying God will give them comfort and grace through all of this. I literally can't even imagine my mother being gone. Maranatha

In light of that, this week has been heavy, but also a good refocusing week. God is helping me to focus on the things that matter, and open my eyes to see He is all I need. Its a huge refining processing going on continually, and everyday I think God has to peel my little attention span off this world and everything that's fighting for my time and mind. I hope He fights hard for me, nothing else matters. God doesn't grab our hearts in the quiet, easy, comfortable moments of life, He uses the painful, exhausting, unknown moments where we finally reach out to find Him and He's been there all along wanting our love and affection. I've been so distracted by the most trivial of things and I need to get my eyes on the truth. What will sustain me but the truth and the light of the world? No house, career, friends, or stuff will fill me up and give me sustaining joy the way only Jesus Christ can. I just get easily unfocused and need to fight harder, we are soldiers in fact and this is a serious battle we are in. The greatest battle of all time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today's thought.

I have two coworkers that I think should get married.

Curt is probably mid 60s, white hair, glasses. He lives alone, takes bike rides and sports a mustache. He is a southern boy with the sweetest of manners and always puts the ladies first. He holds onto jokes as long as he can and says hi to any passing person. He likes movies, and adores spending time with his grandkids and his own kids. He goes on dates with his grand daughter to Cafe Rio, because she won't go anywhere else. He likes Twilight and pixar movies. Basically he is a big teddy bear.

Terrilyn is a brunette, maybe in her mid 50s. She is always exercising, lifting weights while on the phone and walking briskly everywhere. She wears her headset most places, even on her lunch. She's been divorced, and it was very ugly. She states she didn't even know the man she married. She's in a world of her own, but constantly making sure you're okay and giving you a beautiful smile. She has wide, black rimmed glasses and always wears pink lipstick and stretchpants.

I think they should get married. I've seen them flirting.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today as I was driving to work, I was staring at the cloud crested mountains covered in a gloomy day, looking so inviting to me. I wish I could spend today climbing to the top of a rainy mountain and stay up there until the night falls. Its the perfect day to take a journey to the top of a mountain. In reality my journey for today looks very different, its not quite as tangible as climbing to the top. Its a bit more elusive and less grandeur. But its my journey for today. Maybe tomorrow I'll climb my mountain top.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend time.

Made it! Made it to Friday. Its been a long journey, including Rocky Mountain Shakes, watching a football movie, eating baked ziti at life group, a good bike ride, and lots of time on hold listening to psychedelic tunes. Overall a successful week.
Tonight we're making shakes for nice friend's birthdays after church. Caleb and I are playing an acoustic set at church tonight, we're a bit rusty, but all in God's grace.
Caleb had an interview for a new job yesterday, its a big jump in the company, so we'll see. He did really well, but the manager is basically looking for perfection. So its all up to God at this point.
I'm thinking about getting CNA training. hmmm.
Have a wonderful weekend, I hope to. Make sure to celebrate your wonderful mother!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm longing for the weekend already.Longing to be in bed reading a good book. God, give me some extra strength this week, I think I'm gonna need it.