Monday, May 3, 2010


Caleb and I had our one year anniversary this past Friday. Man, does time fly! I'm so grateful to have such a strong, compassionate, hilarious, hardworking, godly husband. God has blessed me beyond I could ever imagine.
We went to dinner at Ginger's Cafe in Springville to celebrate. It was delicious and healthy too! We'll definitely be going back. Then we decided to end the night was a dance party in our own kitchen with all the songs from our wedding. It so awesome to have such a rad husband willing to do things like that.
We've both grow so much in the past year, and had a lot of changes including living in a one room apartment, then living in my parent's basement, then buying a house and fixing it up, getting a puppy and obviously learning to be married. It has been a good year.
Job changes are looming in the near future. I think both of us have the itch for a change or two. Nothing is set in stone and we're just exploring the options right now, but it'd definitely be nice for a bit of a change in pace.
Our 5k training hasn't been going super well. We've been out about 4 days a week, but mostly on bikes. This week we're gonna hit the trail hard. (:
Hope you all have a lovely Monday.

1 comment:

  1. happy one year kels!! that's so exciting. you and caleb are darling, and the dance party sounds like a bllllast! :) too cute. hope i get to see you soon!
