Monday, February 1, 2010

House a home

I know I'm very behind with movies, but I finally saw Julie and Julia. That is such a beautiful movie, inspiring and funny. I loved both of their relationships with their husbands. Such a picture of understanding, perseverance, patience, and deep love. Also, the food looked so DELICIOUS. I just wanted to take a bite out of that movie. Its so good to know, even when you work 40 hours a week, and have other responsibilities, no matter where you are in life, just do something. I mean, why not. My latest excitement it making my house a welcoming, warm home. Especially for Caleb and I, but so when people come they feel comfortable. I keep trying to find more projects to brighten and deepen the joy in our home. Of course, its mostly up to Caleb and I to be good hosts, but I feel having it brightened with decorations and colors make a house a home. I'm very excited to learn by trial and error. I found some fun treasure at DI I'm still figuring out how I'll use. We'll see!

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