Friday, July 9, 2010

Freedom Fest

Man oh man, last weekend was pretty epic. I was so honored to be apart of all the Freedom Festival activities that were honestly all meant to just get the name of Jesus Christ out there in this city. We had concerts at the church, which went very well! 3 people actually accepted Christ, super encouraging. Then the booth had 1000s of people flood by it, which even if they didn't stop, they saw our sign and got one of our balloons for their kids. Now they can associate a smiling face with the Rock Church.
There was a couple other christian churches with booths in the festival as well, which I was stoked about. We did learn one of the families heading down to man their, 'Utah for Jesus booth' got in a car accident and a woman actually died. She had kids and a husband, and it broke my heart to hear that. Please be praying for that family. It really shows what a battle we are in, its not with flesh and blood, but with the powers for darkness. We can stand firm that Christ gives us victory over the darkness though, which is such a comfort. In this time of mourning please lift that family up to Jesus, I can't even imagine the pain.
Playing at the Tabernacle stage was another glory to God. We spent some time in prayer before we headed over there and just asked God to honor Himself there. What ended up happening is the parade went longer then anticipated, and we were supposed to be playing after the parade. The stage coordinator, a sweet lady name Delynn asked us to start playing even though the parade was still going. So we started the set out with our church family there to worship and support, and it was LOUD. It really carried over the speakers, and of course I didn't think much of it because I figured they expected that. Well, a lady came running over screaming at us to stop and turn it down. You could tell she was seriously upset. She then preceded to fight with Delynn and my dad about having us stop playing because she can't hear the parade and that's why she even came that morning. Well, after 2 more songs we did stop, I was getting really thrown off because I could just see her angry face and really, I just wanted to stop to appease her. We waited for about a half hour and the parade finally did finish. Delynn asked us to play 2 more songs, we couldn't finish our set because they needed to stay on schedule. The minute the parade ended people flooded into the tent, just because it was the next event. We played Holy Savior and Amazing Grace and it was an unbelievable feeling. God was being worshiped right in the middle of downtown Provo with hundreds of people listening. Plus the whole first 3 rows were was our family openly worshipping and singing, it was unreal. In that moment all glory was to Christ. I was honestly a little freaked. I was like, someone's gonna run up here and say, you can't do that, you can't worship Christ here. But no one did. I just closed my eyes and sang and it felt incredible. I can't truly explain it, all I know is you should be there next year, its proclaiming Christ in such an awesome way. People just watched and listened and I wondered what God was working in their hearts in that moment. I am so blessed and honored to have been a part of that. God is good.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures up today. I have the afternoon off, and I'm seriously looking forward to relaxing.

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