Tuesday, March 9, 2010

challenging weekend. God is definitely working in my heart, and with the intense desire to follow Him and give Him everything is seems my selfishness rears its ugly head even more openly.
I definitely recommend looking into the life of Keith Green. He is definitely a man who did not compromise and literally lived his whole life out for the gospel. The thing that just takes me over the edge is he died at 28 in a freak accident. In his short years of life he touched thousands, with his caring hand. He didn't shove anything down people's throats, he just sang love songs to Jesus and gave hundreds of people a place to live and eat and recover from this ugly world. Check him out-http://amzn.com/1595551646

A couple questions God has put in my heart this weekend that I've been dwelling on
-If I died tomorrow would I be known for loving the gospel. Is that how people would remember me? I'm certainly not there yet, but thats where I want to be.
-What is my goal(dream) in life? What is holding me back from accomplishing that? What can I purge from my life to reach my goal?

God is searching my heart. He is igniting me, but at the same time everything feels harder and heavier when He does that. Its so worth it though, nothing else is worth what Jesus is.


  1. That documentary has been impacting me, too. I don't even know what comes next.

    But I think it would be so cool to have a one block commune in Utah for helping people, and living together in discipleship and fellowship. I think I would get really nervous if I didn't know the people pretty well before living with them, though. But in general, I want to live with so many people.

  2. I agree. My heart was singing when they talked about having that block to help tons of people. Thats what I want so much. It reminds me of irrestible revolution. I just bought a documentary called Ordinary Radicals, you should watch with me.
