Wednesday, March 31, 2010

She said keep on learning woman.

We heart It
I have been learning so much lately. This past weekend was jam packed with different events and thoughts and dreams. I'm trying to process it all and I'm so glad to be alive.

My body has physically been so exhausted, which is so frusterating because I want to do MORE. I've been trying a few different natural approaches to hopefully boost my day to day endurance. We will see.

I have a lot of thoughts jumbled in my brain wanting to come out, but I can't quite make sense of them yet. It may take time. I need to make time to think things through more often. I get thoughts I don't want to let slip away, but if I don't make time to really mule over them I know I never will.

A few things I want to do sooner than later are
night hiking and swimming
bike riding all around provo
baseball games
ultimate frisbee
urban hiking
take lucy in the mountains to EXPLORE
sew curtains and skirts
paint a big picture with lots of COLOR
finishing painting our house
spend a morning reading my Bible at a coffee shop
stay in bed all day (basically)
find more recipes for LARGE groups
grow a garden
take time to think and write

Thats what I have to share for now.

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