Monday, December 6, 2010

So making soap, is hard. Well, maybe not for some people, or maybe not if I took a different approach, but the way I chose to go about it, was not good. I am not so sorely bummed out that I won't try again, but my 16 co-workers are getting dollar store ornaments this week instead of homemade soap. I'm sure if I hadn't tried the most difficult way to make pretty soap, I would have had better luck. Next time I'm gonna to just try to dye it pretty colors, instead of making a Van Gogh. Anyway, on that note, no pictures will be shared.

I tried to get a job at a stinky, endearing place. It didn't go as well as hoped. I did great with the animals, but the people were a bit more frightening. It's kind of hard when you have no experience and all you have is love. Doesn't go over as well as you think it would. Plus, you have to actually talk to someone to communicate your desire. It's okay. Something will come around.

Besides that I had a great weekend, I'll be trying to add more items to the shop this week/coming weekend, my sister Brenna came over for some lovely shots by Hannah Porter. I atleast got that done with out too much trouble.

I also made English Cottage Pie. Mmmm. Now THAT was a sucess, though some may say thyme ruled the dish a bit too strongly, I'd have to disagree.

Happy Monday.


  1. I'm proud of you for getting out and doing stuff. Or staying in and doing stuff.

    My adventures are usually movies or theory essays. I'm glad that you are still getting your hands dirty and loving it.

  2. I know how you feel!
    Getting a good job is hard. Most people just barely survive from nine to five.
    I have a job I like now, but going out and applying was tough because... like you said, there was no experience, only love. Lots of love!
    But that doesn't look great on an application.

    Good luck for you, Kels!
