Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a whirl wind week.

You know when everything just keeps building up and up and up and.... up and then finally comes to a conclusion? Well, that's how I feel.
Besides learning to become a dog trainer, or at least reading lots of books by Cesar Millan,
I got a new job!
I have been praying for an opportunity for a new position for quite awhile, well, months. And I have been inpatient and sometimes patient, upset, and sometimes at peace. It has been a HUGE part of life that God was definitely trying to take control and tell me I can't find my identity in my job or base my emotions on my job. Poor Caleb has sat through numerous complaints and pleadings for something new. Of course, God had it all planned out from the beginning and gave my a wonderful new job, much better than I ever deserved with an amazing schedule and a stellar supervisor to top it off! It's funny to look back on the past 6 months and think of all the worry, fret and dreaming I was doing, wondering if God really would come through or if I was going to stay where I was for the rest of my life. Literally, that is what I thought apparently, by the way I acted and stressed. Trusting God is so hard for me. It's so easy to say, its the simplest right answer to most questions, but having it actually translate out into my daily life is a whole other beast. I guess it's daily putting it before Him and knowing He hears my prayers and has good for me even in the hard or confusing places.
So I'm off on a new journey and my new schedule also allows more time to work on the shop and opens up doors for other opportunity.
One of my goals with this new schedule, which I am afraid to actually write down because then I really have to do it, is to exercise much more often. During the summer I really got into gear, ran a few races, got stronger, made my heart pump blood better, and got into decent shape and then came which I've pretty much done nothing. So to offer my apologies to Lucy and my weak, lazy body I am now going to be out and about more often.

Here is to new.


  1. a new job! that is awesome.
    what do you do now?

    and, it's tough to exercise in the winter!
    good for you, kelsea. writing it down or saying it out loud helps.

  2. I'm now going to be a Radiology Scheduler! It should be an interesting change. I can't wait to learn all about it! Thanks for your support! It does help to write it down. I have already started doing better.
