Monday, January 24, 2011


1. Live on a farm

2. Get another puppy

3. Grow plants inside and outside my house and tend them

4. Paint my spare room...again

5. Find snow boots for cheap

6. Go winter camping

7. Find inspiration for my shop

8. Enjoy more tea

9. Organize storage items

10. Make more new recipes

11. Write down more prayers, and answered prayers

First, I better focus on starting my new job! I start 2 weeks from today! It's going to be A LOT of learning, which I am exciting to dig into. I'll be full time there for the next 2 months and then go to part time. I can't wait for this new adventure. It'll be great to fill my time a little bit differently, hopefully spending more time creating.

Have a lovely Monday

1 comment:

  1. I want to live in the same farm community as you. It's my main dream.
