Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A few goals

Waking up today was...not fun. But let's be honest, I'm not a morning person. I really can't get any words to come out of my mouth until I've been awake for at least an hour. I think it's just the fact that the holidays are over makes it that much more difficult to start another day. But it's a new year! I've been trying to mull over whether I'm going to write down goals or not, I feel like I haven't written down goals in awhile and it may be a healthy way to get on track with life. So, hopefully this weekend I can take some time and work on that.
Today, I have a short list of things I want to be doing in the near future I'd like to share with you. Some may need to wait longer than others to start, but the goal is to just get them down eventually.

1. Get reading back into my weekly routine. I use to read for recreation all the time, and I feel like now I never pick up a book to read just for the sake of reading.

2. Make lots of meal prep and freeze them for easy meals during the week! I want my freezer to look like this!

3. Hike Mt. Timpanogos! I would love to make it to the summit, but for now I'd like to make it to Emerald Lake, which is 6.5 miles one way. I honestly don't think I've ever hiked that far before, but I LOVE hiking to lakes, so then you can jump in once you're there! This one will have to wait til it gets a little warmer, but I can start training by going on other hikes. Isn't it beautiful?

4. Making home grown tea! I'm very excited about this! I'm going to start a little herb garden. I love tea, so this will be just lovely.

Have a good Tuesday!

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